La Aurora participated in the 15th edition of the Caribbean Cigar Night, a special event dedicated to cigar enthusiasts across the Caribbean. The festivities took place on May 10th at La Quinta Limardo, Puerto Plata, with the attendance of both national and international guests.

As a gesture of generosity and social commitment, La Aurora contributed a box of Hors D’Age and another of Puro Vintage for a charity raffle benefiting the children of Casa Nazaret, a project dedicated to providing shelter for children with physical and mental disabilities.

The event, as every year, was not only an occasion to enjoy fine cigars but also an opportunity to contribute to a noble cause and enjoy an unforgettable evening in the company of friends and fellow enthusiasts.

La Aurora’s active presence and participation in the Caribbean Cigar Night once again demonstrated its tangible commitment to quality, solidarity, and passion for the art of tobacco.