La Aurora Hors d’Age 2017 is a cigar in whose manufacture is invested 12 years before reaching the consumer’s hand. In the pursuit of excellence, in which time is the key to reach the ideal level of perfection, La Aurora has created this cigar. It can be considered the quintessence of craftsmanship, since only 100 cigars can be produced daily.
This true work of art and last piece of luxury launched by the company, was presented at the last edition of the Convention organized by the International Association of Cigar and Pipe Retailers of the United States (IPCPR), which celebrated in Las Vegas, United States.
Now, it will be presented to the European market at the InterTabac Dortmund fair, which takes place in Dortmund, Germany, from September 21 to 23. In this video, details about La Aurora Hors d’Age 2017 are offered:
great cigars
Thank you so much!!