La Aurora Cigars Stands Out at PCA 2024: New Releases and Exclusive Experiences in Las Vegas.

La Aurora Cigars stood out at the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show 2024, March 22nd to 25th, celebrated in Las Vegas. During the event, La Aurora Cigars showcased exciting releases and offered exclusive experiences for cigar enthusiasts.

Among the new releases was Puro Vintage 2014, a special edition featuring tobaccos aged since 2014. The Salomon format delivers a unique flavor experience. Additionally, the limited edition La Aurora Preferidos Hors D’Age 2022 was released. It is crafted with tobaccos aged for at least 12 years, showcasing the brand’s distinctive craftsmanship and quality.

The Cazadores line has expanded by adding two new blends, Cazadores Maduro and Cazadores Nicaragua, providing more options for our consumers at accessible prices.

Highlighted experiences at the trade show included a pairing seminar led by Manuel Inoa and Francisco Jiménez, where the La Aurora 120 Aniversario cigar was paired with Ron E. León Jimenes 110 Aniversario rum, offering a unique sensory experience.

Furthermore, La Aurora exhibited its prestigious Ron E. León Jimenes 110 Aniversario in the Spirits pavilion, allowing attendees to discover and enjoy this golden elixir.

Guillermo León, President and CEO of La Aurora, emphasized the importance of his family’s participation in PCA, highlighting the legacy passed down over more than five generations and their commitment to the tobacco industry.

In summary, La Aurora Cigars’ outstanding participation at PCA 2024 reaffirmed its prominent position in the tobacco industry, demonstrating its dedication to quality and innovation.

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