A sense of belonging to La Aurora, key to our growth


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We often talk about the La Aurora family because it is not an idea or a concept, it is a reality. Our employees are an essential part of the company and feel that they belong to it. This sense of belonging is part of the values and daily work practice of the factory, which has been key in helping the company grow.

“Our employees can grow and are part of that growth”, says La Aurora’s Human Resources Manager, Nora Colón, in an interview conducted by the magazine,  ‘Mercado’. The interview took place on the occasion of the launch of the latest edition of its ranking ‘Best Companies to Work For in the Northern Region’. La Aurora is in the Top 5 of this ranking.

“One of the keys to the organisation is the environment. We have an open, extremely flexible environment, despite being a company that has been around for so many years. People feel at ease, comfortable, like a family, no matter the location or department, there is always the opportunity to integrate”, she explains.

The Human Resources manager goes on to say: “For La Aurora, our employees are an essential part, and that is what has allowed us to develop the whole field of opportunity that exists in La Aurora,” she reiterates in the interview conducted by ‘Mercado’ magazine. She adds that one of the values or working practices at La Aurora is that sense of belonging.

Nora Colón

La Aurora’s employees feel like a family

“Our employees can grow and are part of that growth,” says Colón, pointing out that one of the keys to the organisation is the extremely flexible and open atmosphere in the company, where people feel “at ease, comfortable, like a family”, regardless of their job and the department they work in.

“There are people who have a lot of knowledge, who can teach a lot of people, and we open up to people who may not have had any work experience so that they can put new knowledge into practice. There is always the opportunity to integrate and for the environment to be part of what identifies us,” she says.

It’s possible that what a very young person is looking for is not the same as what an older person is looking for. At La Aurora, there is a mix of opportunities to grow and make a career, not only to grow academically or to have better positions, but also to grow by doing different things.

Thus, many of the people who work at La Aurora, who entered very young and without knowing anything, have had the opportunity to develop things that perhaps in another place would not be possible, according to La Aurora’s Human Resources Manager.

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